joi, 21 ianuarie 2010
Wieden and Kennedy
Dan Wieden and David Kennedy took advertising out of its traditional centers of the ad world (Madison Avenue in New York City., Chicago, and to some extent, Los Angeles) by setting up shop in Portland, Oregon. They’re listed on the top 100 people in advertising (for the last century, no less!). They’ve done great work for Microsoft, ESPN, and many other clients, but they’re still probably best known for revolutionizing the sneaker industry — or at least the advertising of it — by creating Nike’s “Just do it” campaign.
Bill Bernbach
Bill Bernbach was the Creative Director for Doyle, Dane, Bernbach during its heyday. Working with Helmut Krone as Art Director, Bernbach invented a new way to project a message to consumers, by introducing wonderful creativity and a kinder, gentler approach to advertising. The agency led the way with its fanciful Volkswagen ads from the 1960s, which supplied both entertainment and product information. Do you remember “Think small”? It was a huge shift in advertising communication and became the industry standard that lives to this day.
So memorable and trend-setting was that original Volkswagen advertising that when the New Beetle was introduced in the 1990s, the agency for Volkswagen of America, Arnold Communications of Boston, chose not tothe original concept. For example, the campaign for the New Beetle featured lots of white space (a Krone innovation that means just what it says — the ad wasn’t filled with color and copy from edge to edge), a small photo of the VW New Beetle in profile, and brief copy that read, “Zero to 60? Yes.” This kind of advertising is great stuff, and a compliment to the original ads created by Doyle, Dane, Bernbach over 40 years ago. In fact, Arnold Communications, when submitting its work for awards, still lists Krone and Bernbach as creative contributors.
Bill Bernbach, like David Ogilvy, was good for a pithy quote now and then, including the following: “Dullness won’t sell your product, but neither will irrelevant brilliance.”
Source: Advertising for Dummies, by Gary Dahl
So memorable and trend-setting was that original Volkswagen advertising that when the New Beetle was introduced in the 1990s, the agency for Volkswagen of America, Arnold Communications of Boston, chose not tothe original concept. For example, the campaign for the New Beetle featured lots of white space (a Krone innovation that means just what it says — the ad wasn’t filled with color and copy from edge to edge), a small photo of the VW New Beetle in profile, and brief copy that read, “Zero to 60? Yes.” This kind of advertising is great stuff, and a compliment to the original ads created by Doyle, Dane, Bernbach over 40 years ago. In fact, Arnold Communications, when submitting its work for awards, still lists Krone and Bernbach as creative contributors.
Bill Bernbach, like David Ogilvy, was good for a pithy quote now and then, including the following: “Dullness won’t sell your product, but neither will irrelevant brilliance.”
Source: Advertising for Dummies, by Gary Dahl
David Ogilvy
David Ogilvy is a true legend in the advertising world, even though the ads he made famous zere created decades ago.
Ogilvy is also famous for succinct statements about how to create compelling, memorable ads. Here are just a few of them:
* “On the average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy. When you have written your headline, you have spent 80 cents out of your dollar.”
* “Never write an advertisement you wouldn’t want your own family toread. You wouldn’t tell lies to your own wife. Don’t tell lies to mine.”
* “Every word in the copy must count.”
* “Advertise what is unique.”
Born in England, David Ogilvy didn’t even get into the advertising businessuntil he was 39 years old. He had tried everything from selling stoves door-to door,to a brief tenure as a chef in Paris. He was even a member of the British Secret Service. Financially broke at the age of 39, he cofounded an advertising agency — Hewitt, Ogilvy, Benson & Mather. And he made a list of five clients he wanted to land: General Foods, Bristol-Myers, Campbell’s Soup, Lever Brothers, and Shell Oil. Eleven years later, he had them all.
Ogilvy preached the virtues of sales-driven copy. He also expected advertising copy to be expressed with clarity, relevance, and grace. He knew that the real purpose of advertising is to sell. His ads may have been gorgeous, but they were filled with unique product difference and sell — albeit with an emotional edge. He invented eccentric personalities to capture the reader’s attention, based on the idea that memorable faces help make memorable brands. Ogilvy also said, when talking about creative types who worked for (or wanted to work for) his agency, “Every copywriter should start his career by spending two years in direct response.” What he meant is that the primary purpose of advertising is to sell.
Source: Advertising for Dummies, by Gary Dahl
Ogilvy is also famous for succinct statements about how to create compelling, memorable ads. Here are just a few of them:
* “On the average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy. When you have written your headline, you have spent 80 cents out of your dollar.”
* “Never write an advertisement you wouldn’t want your own family toread. You wouldn’t tell lies to your own wife. Don’t tell lies to mine.”
* “Every word in the copy must count.”
* “Advertise what is unique.”
Born in England, David Ogilvy didn’t even get into the advertising businessuntil he was 39 years old. He had tried everything from selling stoves door-to door,to a brief tenure as a chef in Paris. He was even a member of the British Secret Service. Financially broke at the age of 39, he cofounded an advertising agency — Hewitt, Ogilvy, Benson & Mather. And he made a list of five clients he wanted to land: General Foods, Bristol-Myers, Campbell’s Soup, Lever Brothers, and Shell Oil. Eleven years later, he had them all.
Ogilvy preached the virtues of sales-driven copy. He also expected advertising copy to be expressed with clarity, relevance, and grace. He knew that the real purpose of advertising is to sell. His ads may have been gorgeous, but they were filled with unique product difference and sell — albeit with an emotional edge. He invented eccentric personalities to capture the reader’s attention, based on the idea that memorable faces help make memorable brands. Ogilvy also said, when talking about creative types who worked for (or wanted to work for) his agency, “Every copywriter should start his career by spending two years in direct response.” What he meant is that the primary purpose of advertising is to sell.
Source: Advertising for Dummies, by Gary Dahl
joi, 14 ianuarie 2010
Dye sublimation
Dye sublimation - Printing method used to make high-quality prints from digital image files. The results look and feel very similar to traditional photographic prints.
DX coding
DX coding - Black and silver markings on a 35mm film canister that can be read by many cameras. These usually only tell the camera the film's ISO speed (its sensitivity to light), but the code can also communicate the length of the roll and its exposure latitude.
DPOF (Digital Print Order Format)
DPOF (Digital Print Order Format) - Facility available on some digital cameras that allows users to mark the images that they wish to have processed into prints.
dpi (dots per inch)
dpi (dots per inch) - A measure of the resolution of a printer or other digital device.
Downrating - Exposing film as if it were less sensitive to light than its ISO rating indicates. Allowances for downrated film have to be made during development. Also known as pulling.
Digital manipulation
Digital manipulation - Any alteration to a digital image on a computer that changes its appearance. Digital manipulation software provides a range of tools and techniques that are similar to those of the traditional darkroom, hence the fact that digital manipulation processes are often referred to as the digital darkroom.
Depth of focus
Depth of focus - Distance that the film plane can be moved without requiring the camera to be refocused.
Depth of field scale
Depth of field scale - Pairs of f-numbers engraved on a lens barrel that indicate the effective depth of field surrounding a subject when the lens is focused on the subject and the desired aperture has been selected.
Depth of field
Depth of field - Zone of acceptably sharp focus extending in front of and behind the point of true focus. Depth of field varies depending on the aperture selected, the focal length of the lens (or zoom setting), and the focused distance. Depth of field is increased if a smaller aperture is set, a lens with a shorter focal length is selected, or the further the subject focused on is away from the camera.
Dedicated flash
Dedicated flash - Type of flashgun designed to be used with a specific camera or range of cameras. Once attached to the camera, the flashgun effectively becomes an extension of that camera’s circuitry, controlling shutter speed, receiving film speed information, and using the exposure meter.
Daylight-balanced film
Daylight-balanced film - Film designed to reproduce correct subject colors when exposed in daylight or by the light of electronic flash or blue flash cubes. See also Tungsten-balanced film.
Converging verticals
Converging verticals - An effect usually associated with a wide-angle lens that occurs when the film plane and the subject are not parallel. This results in the vertical sides of a tall building appearing to converge when the camera is tilted back to include the top.
Contrast range
Contrast range - A measurement of the difference in brightness between the darkest and lightest part of an image. Films and image sensors are capable of successfully dealing with differing, but generally limited, contrast ranges.
Continuous tone
Continuous tone - Term used in black and white photography to describe a negative or print that has gradations of tone from black to white, which correspond to the different tones of the original subject.
Continuous AF
Continuous AF - Autofocus setting where the focus is constantly adjusted up until the moment the shutter is fired. Useful for moving subjects, where it is inappropriate for the focus distance to be locked once correct focus is initially found.
Contact sheet
Contact sheet - A print with the images from the same roll of film exactly the same size as the negatives. Contacts are produced by placing the negatives in contact with a sheet of photographic printing paper, pressing them down under a piece of glass, and exposing them to light.
Complementary colors
Complementary colors - In a photographic context, this term refers to the colors yellow, magenta, and cyan, which are complementary to the primary colors blue, green, and red. Colors are complementary to one another if, when mixed in the correct proportions, they form white or gray.
Color temperature
Color temperature - Measurement of the color of light, often expressed in Kelvin (K). The human eye adjusts for the color temperature of different light sources without us realising. A digital camera can make electronic adjustments using its white balance system. When using color film, if accurate color balance is essential, correct filtration is often necessary when shooting or printing.
Color management
Color management - A system that warns you of color gamut problems, and helps to ensure that the colors that are printed look the same as those you see on screen.
Color gamut
Color gamut - The range of colors that can be displayed by a computer screen, or printed by a printer. This range of possible colors may well be different for both – and different from those recorded in the digital file.
marți, 12 ianuarie 2010
Color depth
Color depth - The amount of color information in a digital image. 8-bit color offers 256 distinct colors, 16-bit color offers over 65,000 colors, whilst the human eye is capable of distinguishing over 16-million colors (32-bit color).
CMYK - Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black
CMYK - Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black – the four primary inks used in commercial and desktop printing to produce full-color images. Digital photographs and scans are recorded in RGB (red, green, and blue), but can be converted to the CMYK color space using imaging editing software. It is not, however, necessary to convert before printing.
Color-cast - Unwanted color tint on an image, usually created by incorrect color balance or by a reflection from a strongly-colored object.
Color balance
Color balance - The matching of film or imaging chip settings to ensure that white and grey tones appear in a picture as they would to the human eye. With color film, color balance can be changed using filters. With digital cameras, color balance is changed electronically using the white balance system.
CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor)
CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor) - An imaging sensor used in digital cameras similar to a CCD sensor. It is found at the focal plane, and converts the focused image into an electrical signal.
Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor
Clone tool
Clone tool - Facility on many digital image manipulation programs that allows you to replace an area of the image with a copy taken from another part of the image. Extensively used for removing blemishes, dust marks and unwanted subject matter from a digital photograph.
Chromatic aberration
Chromatic aberration - Lens fault that causes the different wavelengths of light to focus on slightly different planes. It appears as a series of different-colored fringes around the subject. Occurs with some cheap camera lenses, and lenses with long focal lengths.
Center-weighted metering
Center-weighted metering - Type of exposure-measuring system that assumes the subject is placed in the center of the frame so weights the exposure in favor of that area.
CCD (Charge Coupled Device)
CCD (Charge Coupled Device) - An imaging sensor used in digital cameras, found at the focal plane. It converts the focused image into an electrical signal. See CMOS sensor.
Cable release
Cable release - Mechanical or electrical device used to trigger the shutter. Useful if a camera is mounted on a tripod, as it ensures that the camera is stable at the moment of exposure.
Burning-in - Photographic printing term used to indicate those parts of an image that would benefit from extra exposure. Parts of the image not requiring burning-in must be shaded from the enlarger light during this process. The procedure can be mimicked by most digital manipulation programs.
Bracketing - Taking a series of photographs of the same scene with each frame at a different exposure setting. Useful when you want to select slightly darker or lighter prints than the exposure system would normally produce, or when it is difficult to judge the best exposure.
Bounced flash
Bounced flash - Light from a flash that is first directed at a surface, such as a wall, ceiling, or reflector, before it reaches the subject. This creates a broad, soft area of lighting.
Between-the-lens shutter
Between-the-lens shutter - Shutter system on most compact cameras that is built within the lens itself. See also Focal-plane shutter.
Barrel distortion
Barrel distortion - Design fault, usually associated with wide-angle lenses, that causes vertical lines near the edges of the frame to bulge outward.
Barn doors
Barn doors - Set of four hinged metal flaps on a frame that fit around a spotlight. Moving the flaps in or out of the light beam controls the spread of light.
Ball-and-socket head
Ball-and-socket head - Simple type of cameramounting system found on some tripods. It consists of a ball that can be rotated in a cupshaped fixture, allowing sideways and up-anddown camera movements. See also Tripod.
Backlighting - Lighting that illuminates the subject from the rear. See also Backlight compensation control.
Backlight compensation control
Backlight compensation control - Manual exposure control found on many modern cameras that opens the aperture by a predetermined amount to compensate when the main subject is backlit. Most exposuremeasuring systems tend to underexpose a backlit subject because the side of the subject facing the lens is in shadow.
B (Bulb) setting
B (Bulb) setting - Shutter setting found on many cameras that holds the shutter open for as long as the release is depressed. Used for manually timing exposures that are longer than the standard shutter speeds available.
luni, 11 ianuarie 2010
Available light
Available light - Light that is normally available in a scene, such as extra domestic tungsten lighting, but not including artificial light such as flash. Also known as ambient or existing light.
Autofocus illuminator
Autofocus illuminator - System used in some cameras to assist autofocus in low light situations. A red pattern is projected onto the subject, which enhances the contrast-detection function of the autofocus, allowing the lens to be adjusted correctly.
Autoexposure - Camera system designed to set the size of the aperture and/or the shutter speed, to ensure correct exposure of a scene. Film speed is also taken into account.
APS (Advanced Photo System)
APS (Advanced Photo System) - Miniature film format used for compact cameras and some SLRs. Film is automatically loaded from the cassette by the camera, and is returned in the cassette after processing. An indicator shows whether the film is unused, partly used, completely used, or developed. A five-digit reference number on the cassette is also printed on the back of prints to allow you to identify negatives. The image area of the format is 30.2 x 16.7mm, but the user can choose from three print sizes at the time of shooting. Information about each picture is marked invisibly on the film's magnetic strip, and this data is used during printing.
Aperture priority
Aperture priority - Type of semi-automatic exposure system whereby the photographer sets the aperture and the camera selects the corresponding shutter speed to ensure correct exposure of the scene.
Aperture - Circular opening within a lens that determines the amount of light that is allowed to pass through to reach the film. On all but the simplest of cameras, the size of the aperture can be varied by a diaphragm, which is set to different-sized openings, known as “stops,” calibrated in f-numbers.
Antihalation layer
Antihalation layer - Coating of dye on the back of films that absorbs light. Without this layer, light would be reflected back from the film base and through the emulsion, creating ill-defined haloes around sources of bright light in the image.
Anti-aliasing - A method of smoothing diagonal lines in digital images, to avoid a staircase, or stepping, effect created by the individual pixels.
Angle of view
Angle of view - Most widely separated parts of a scene that a lens is capable of resolving into an acceptable image on a piece of film. The angle of view varies according to the focal length of the lens and the camera format.
Aerial perspective
Aerial perspective - Illusion of depth and distance in a photograph due to the lightscattering effect of atmospheric haze.
Adobe Photoshop Professional
Adobe Photoshop Professional - standard image manipulation software package. Although it is costly and requires a powerful computer, the program offers a wide range of techniques and effects. Suitable for PCs and Macs.
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